This is the last version of the IOS website from 2009-2014 (deactivated)
Cactus d'Or
Celebration of the first Cactus d'Or awarded to Prof. Dr. W. Rauh at the Jardin Exotique in Monte Carlo. In the center the late Princess Grace. From left to right: D. Supthut (Treas.), H. Friedrich (Sec.), W. Rauh, Princess Grace, M. Kroenlein, H. Sanchez-Mejorada.
List of Recipients:
By: Chuck Staples
"This award has been created by Princess Grace of Monaco in 1978, with the cooperation of the municipality, to honour someone who, by their research in the country of origin, has contributed to the extension of knowledge of succulent plants. The golden trophy, incorporating elegantly modeled plants standing, as if in habitat, on a plinth, is to remain in the possession of the recipient, and a new one will be presented at each biennial congress in the future." Quote from the presentation of the first award.
The first trophy was in solid gold. Subsequent trophies are gold plated. From 2006 a new design was introduced, consisting of block with a cactus design in gold coating, mounted on a wooden base that also serves as a storage box.
Nominations for this unique and coveted individual award are made by the IOS Board.
By: PD Dr. Heidrun (Heidi) E.K.Hartmann and Prof. Dr. Wilfried Hartmann
(Photo © W. Hartmann)
A competition has been held in 2006 at the École Supérieure d'Arts Plastiques de la Ville de Monaco (E.S.A.P.) to create a newly designed Cactus d'Or, including a wooden box allowing safe transport and, later, a secure display. The winner of the competion was Iris Onda, now Iris Sola.
The actual Cactus d'Or consists of a block of solid polyurethane, 15 x 25 cm and 25 mm thick into the bottom of which an artistic version of a cactus is etched by hand, the etching being filled with gold. This block can be mounted into a gap on the surface of what seems to be a wooden plinth or pedestal of 20 x 30 cm and 75 mm high. A closer look shows, that this piece of wood in reality is a box the concealed, secret lid of which can be opened by pushing and sliding aside one of the short side walls, giving access to a neatly shaped slot in the wooden block lined with green velvet, in which the Golden Cactus fits perfectly.
Very special is the abstract presentation of a cactus recalling an assembly of spines pointing upwards, as if it was indicating the future of succulent studies at another level yet to be explored. This design is an inspiration for IOS members to look further beyond the realistic depiction of facts and explore new ways of scientific approaches.
Since its installation in 1978, the Golden Cactus has been sponsored and looked after by the Jardin Exotique in Monaco, and IOS is most grateful for the long-standing support of their international work on cacti and succulents.
The 15th IOS Congress was held 14-19 May in Monte Carlo, Monaco. Under the auspices of Monaco's Jardin Exotique and its director, Marcel Felix Kroenlein (1928-1994), Dr. Werner Hermann Heinrich Rauh (1913-2000) from Germany was honored, on the occasion of his 65th birthday (16 May), by the presentation of 'the first' Cactus d'Or award of the IOS Congress from the hand of Her Serene Highness Princess Grace of Monaco (1929-1982).
The 16th IOS Congress was held 23-29 March in Mexico City, Mexico. During the visit to the University Botanical Gardens the 2nd award of the Cactus d'Or was presented to Dr. Helia Bravo-Hollis (1901-2001) from Mexico by Marcel Kroenlein (director of the Jardin Exotique de Monaco) on behalf of Her Serene Highness Princess Grace of Monaco.
The 17th IOS Congress was held 23-27 August in Vienna, Austria. The 3rd recipient of the award, instituted by Her Serene Highness Princess Grace of Monaco, was Mr. Gordon Douglas Rowley (1921- ) of Great Britain, and it was presented to him by the IOS President.
The 18th IOS Congress was held 10-16 June in Frankfurt, Germany. The 4th recipient of the award, instituted by the late Princess Grace of Monaco, and now continued by her daughter Her Serene Highness Princess Caroline, was Dr. Lyman David Benson (1903-1993) of United States of America, and it was presented to him by the IOS President.
No award.
The 20th IOS Congress was held 1-17 June in Harare, Zimbabwe. The 5th recipient of the award was Mr. Leslie [Larry] Charles Leach (1909-1999) of Great Britain, and it was presented to him by the IOS President.
The 22nd IOS Congress was held 5-10 April in Phoenix, USA. The 7th recipient of the award was Dr. George Edmund Lindsay (1916-2002) of United States of America, and it was presented to him by the IOS President.
The 23rd IOS Congress was held 15-21 August in Wageningen, The Netherlands. The 8th recipient of the award was Dr. Hans-Dieter Ihlenfeldt (1932- ) of Germany, and it was presented to him by the IOS President.
The 24th IOS Congress was held 9-14 September in Bologna, Italy. The 9th recipient of the award was Mrs. Susan Carter Holmes (1933- ) of Great Britain, and it was presented to her by the IOS President.
The 26th IOS Congress was held 19-24 March in Zürich, Switzerland. The 11th recipient of the award was Mr. Diedrich [Dieder] J. Supthut (1935- ) of Switzerland, and it was presented to him by the IOS President.
The 27th IOS Congress was held 7-13 April in Phoenix, USA. The 12th recipient of the award was Dr. Wilhelm Arthur Barthlott (1946- ) of Germany, and it was presented to him by the IOS President.
The 28th IOS Congress was held 31 May & 1-5 June in Hamburg, Germany. The 13th recipient of the award was Dr. Gideon Francois Smith (1959- ) of South Africa, and the trophy was presented to him later in Monte Carlo, Monaco.
The 29th IOS Congress was held 17-20 September in Zürich, Switzerland. The 14th recipient of the award was announced by the IOS Board as Dr. David Richard Hunt (1938- ) of Great Britain, and the trophy was presented to him later in Monte Carlo, Monaco.
The 30th IOS Congress was held 6-8 August in Natal, Brazil. The 15th recipient of the award was announced by the IOS Board as Dr. Leonard Eric Newton (1936- ) of Kenya, and the trophy was presented to him later in Monte Carlo, Monaco.
The 31st IOS Congress was held 22-25 March in Bonn, Germany. The 16th recipient of the award was announced by the IOS Board as Myron William Kimnach (1922- ) of the United States of America. The trophy was presented to him later during the 9th IOS Inter-Congress by J.M. Solichon, Director of Le Jardin Exotique, with Adjoint au Maire de Monaco present.
In July 2012, the 32th IOS Congress was held in Havanna, Cuba. The IOS Board announced Dr. Heidrun [Heidi] Elsbeth Klara Hartmann (1942- ) of Germany as the 17th recipient of the award in recognition of her decades of work on succulents, especially Aizoaceae. The trophy was presented to her at the "Expo Monaco 2013" on 27 April 2013 at Monte Carlo, Monaco, by His Excellency M. Michel Roger, Minister de l'Etat (the Prime Minister of Monaco).
In the picture from left to right:
M. André J. Campana, Adjoint au Maire de Monaco and responsible for the Environment and the Jardin Exotique;
M. Christian Raimbert, Adjoint au Maire de Monaco and Director of the Ecole Supérieure d'Arts Plastiques de la Ville de Monaco, at whose school the competition for a new Cactus d'Or has taken place.
His Excellency M. Michel Roger;
Dr. Jean-Marie Solichon, Director of the Jardin Exotique.
Cactus d'Or Awards History by: Chuck Staples, CSSA Historian, 1 June 2011.
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Last update: 5 April 2014 (Restricted access)
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